Craig Kohn
Teacher and Researcher in Residence
Waterford Union High School
100 Field Dr., Waterford, WI 53185
[email protected]
Publications & Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Internet Publications
Charles “Andy” Anderson (degree advisor), Professor Emeritus - Teacher Education,
Michigan State University. 620 Farm Ln, East Lansing, MI 48824. 517-432-4648 [email protected]
Aaron McKim, Assistant Professor - Department of Community Sustainability, Michigan
State University. 480 Wilson Rd, Room 131, East Lansing, MI 48824. 517-432-0318 [email protected]
Dan Foster, Principal - Waterford Union High School - 100 Field Drive, Waterford, WI 53185. 262-534-3189. [email protected]
Teacher and Researcher in Residence
Waterford Union High School
100 Field Dr., Waterford, WI 53185
[email protected]
- Dual-Ph.D., Curriculum, Instruction, & Teacher Education; Environmental Science & Policy Michigan State University, 2021.
Dissertation: Adoption of more sustainable knowledge and practice among future agriculturalists through three-dimensional science learning in secondary agriscience courses. - Bachelor of Science, Education (Biology Major), University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2008
- Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Science (Agricultural Education Major), University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2008
- Biology Education Certification, License Code 605, Wisconsin Adolescence.
- Agricultural Education Certification, License Code 200, Wisconsin Early Adolescence through Adolescence.
- Environmental Studies Certification, License Code 615, Wisconsin Early Adolescence through Adolescence.
- Waterford Union High School Science Department, 2021-Present
Instructor and Researcher in Residence
Designed, implemented, and evaluated biology, chemistry, physics, agriscience, and astronomy curriculum and instruction for students in grades 9-12. Used education research to inform the design and implementation of this curriculum while gaining insights in three-dimensional science learning as a research practitioner. - Michigan State University, 2020 - Graduate Teaching Assistant
Designed and delivered instruction for TE 409 (Crafting Teaching Practices in the Secondary Teaching Minor – Science) for undergraduate education major students seeking science as a secondary certification. This course primarily attracted mathematics and agricultural education majors and emphasized how to identify, design, and scaffold three-dimensional science learning. - Michigan State University, 2020 - Field Instruction Supervisor
Supported and evaluated science education master’s degree students during their final school-based teaching internships. This entailed monthly observations, weekly assessments of lesson plans and field journals, review and feedback on curriculum development, and regular guidance and mentorship as needed. - Waterford Union High School Department of Agricultural Sciences, 2008-2016
Instructor, Department Chair, and Program Director
Designed curriculum and instruction for a dozen college and career preparatory courses for students in grades 9-12 while also overseeing student internships, supervised agricultural experiences, and advising for the school’s FFA chapter. Also managed a department budget, oversaw hiring and management of additional instructors, and acquired outside funding. - University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2006-2008 - Student Teacher
Progressed from observation of cooperating teachers to designing and implementing secondary science instruction in four local secondary schools. - University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2005-2007 - Associate Academic Advisor
Provided instruction, advising, and supported course registration for new students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences during summer orientation and registration sessions. Revised and developed new programming for advising and orientation program and assisted with the training of new advisors.
- Waterford Union High School Science Department, 2021-Present
Instructor and Researcher in Residence
Designed, implemented, and evaluated biology, chemistry, physics, agriscience, and astronomy curriculum and instruction for students in grades 9-12. Used education research to inform the design and implementation of this curriculum while gaining insights in three-dimensional science learning as a research practitioner. - Michigan State University, 2016-2021
Research Fellow - National Science Foundation (Graduate Research Fellowship)
Utilized Design-Based Research (DBR) methodologies to develop NGSS-aligned agriscience curriculum to improve the adoption of more sustainable knowledge and practice among rural high school agricultural students. Applied for and received multiple sources of funding, developed all curriculum and assessment materials, obtained IRB approval, organized and maintained research-practitioner networks, designed data collection and management protocols, collected and analyzed data, and presented findings at national conferences. - Michigan State University, 2016-2021
Research Assistant – Carbon TIME Project & Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
Wrote curriculum for the Carbon TIME Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR) project (PI: Dr. Charles “Andy” Anderson), collected classroom observation data, conducted teacher and focus student interviews, organized and conducted qualitative interviews for learning progression analysis, assisted with intercoder reliability, and presented findings at national conferences. - University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2011
Research Experience Teacher, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC)
Worked in the lab of Dr. Cameron Currie to design, develop, and quantitatively test an enzymatic assay of microbial activity for use in citizen-science collaborations with GLBRC researchers. Wrote accompanying curriculum for use in high school science classrooms and collaborated with TED, LLC to develop educational videos and supplementary curricular materials the TED-Ed Initiative. Presented qualitative findings at regional conferences and published in a peer-reviewed journal. - University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2005
Research Fellow - Wisconsin Idea Foundation
Applied for and received undergraduate research funding to develop the Environmental and Natural Resources Career Development Event for the Wisconsin FFA Association, as well as collect and analyze qualitative data on the impacts of this opportunity on student outcomes. Presented findings at state-level conferences and in teacher workshops. - University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2004
Research Fellow – College of Letters & Science Honors Research Program
Applied for and received undergraduate research funding to develop and implement a quantitative research protocol to investigate the effects of simulated grazing treatments on biodiversity in restored prairie ecosystems. Presented findings at regional conferences. - University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, 2003
Undergraduate Researcher - Medical Scholars Program
Applied for and received undergraduate research funding to develop and implement a research protocol to survey the prevalence of respiratory disorders among rural agricultural workers in northeastern Wisconsin. Presented findings to local and university audiences.
- March, 2016. “Enhancing student adoption of sustainable behaviors and identities through a comprehensive agricultural STEM education model”. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Grant No. DGE-1424871. ($138,000 total award for three years of funding).
- May, 2019. “Future of Agriculture Curriculum for Teaching Sustainability (FACTS)”. MSU College of Education Summer Research Fellowship. ($2500 in total for one summer term).
- August, 2019. “Future of Agriculture Curriculum for Teaching Sustainability (FACTS)”. Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research (KBS LTER), Michigan State University. ($6500 total award for one year of funding).
Publications & Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Kohn, C, & Helmke A. (2024, March). Making NGSS-Alignment Easier and More Effective (Presentation). Annual Meeting of the National Science Teaching Association. Denver, CO.
- Kohn, C, Helmke A., & Hendricks, J. (2023, April). Balancing Standards Alignment with Educator Needs (Paper). Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Chicago, IL.
- Kohn, C., & Anderson, C. W. (2022). Makers vs. takers: Perceived challenges to food production among agriculturalists in the United States. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 28(4), 503-524.
- Covitt, B., Parker, J., Kohn, C., Lee, M., Lin, Q., & Anderson, C. (2021): Understanding and responding to challenges students face when engaging in carbon cycle pool-and-flux reasoning, The Journal of Environmental Education, DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2020.1847882
- Kohn, C. (2020) Preparation to Solve Wicked Problems Through Three-dimensional Science Learning. The Agricultural Education Magazine. 92(5).
- Kohn, C. (2019). Educational Research and SAE's: An Empirical Basis for Implementing the Three Circle Model. The Agricultural Education Magazine. 92(3).
- McKim, A., Kohn, C., Lambert, M., Velez, J., and Balschweid, M. (2018). A Teacher’s Guide to Illuminating Science Within Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Education. The Agricultural Education Magazine. 90(5). 14-16.
- Kohn, C. (2018). The Development of a Bioenergy-Based Green Chemistry Curriculum for High Schools. Physical Sciences Reviews, 20180080, ISSN (Online) 2365-659X, DOI: .
- Kohn, C., Parker, J., and Anderson, A. (2016). Research Brief: Students’ Understanding of The Carbon Cycle and Global Climate Change. Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center. Online. Retrieved at
- Kohn, C. (2014). SAEs for a Suburban Agriscience Program. The Agricultural Education Magazine. 86(6). 17-18.
- Kohn, C, Helmke A., & Hendricks, J. (2023, April). Balancing Standards Alignment with Educator Needs (Paper). Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Chicago, IL.
- Kohn, C. (2021, April). Productive Disciplinary Engagement in Three-Dimensional Agriscience Instruction (Paper). Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (Online).
- McKim, A., Wang, H., Kohn, C., and Salinas, C. (2020, October). Blurring Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Teaching across Educational Contexts (Paper). National Conference on Learner-Centered Teaching (Online).
- Kohn, C. (2020, March). Utilizing Three-Dimensional Science Learning and Situated Instruction to Increase the Adoption of Sustainable Knowledge And Practice Among Rural Agriscience Students (Paper). Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Portland, OR. (Conference canceled)
- Kohn, C. (2019, June). Preliminary Analysis of Career Preparation Through PFL/SAE-based Agricultural Instruction (Oral Presentation). North American Association of College Teachers of Agriculture, Idaho Falls, ID.
- Kohn, C., Anderson, C., and McKim, A. (2019, May). Balancing Preparation for Current Practice with Preparation for Future Learning in High School Agricultural Education (Paper). Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, Des Moines, IA, 776-789.
- Kohn, C. (2019, April). FACTS Bioreactors – A Valuable Laboratory Instrument for Inquiry-Based Instruction in Energy and Sustainability (Oral Presentation). National Sustainability Summit & National Extension Energy Summit, Tampa, FL.
- Kohn, C. (2019, April). Preliminary Investigations of Situated Sustainability Instruction in High School Agricultural Education (Poster). National Sustainability Summit & National Extension Energy Summit, Tampa, FL.
- Kohn, C. (2019, April). Impacts of Science Literacy on Rural Sustainability (Paper). National Conference of the Association of Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD.
- Kohn, C. (2018, November). Science Literacy & Rural Sustainability (Oral Presentation). ESPP Research Symposium 2018 - Balancing Act: Food, Water, Energy, Climate, East Lansing, MI.
- Kohn, C. (2018, June). Preliminary Investigations into Agricultural Teachers’ Views of Sustainable Practices (Paper). North American Association of College Teachers of Agriculture, Ames, IA.
- Kohn, C. (2018, May). Preliminary Investigations into Agricultural Teachers’ Views of Sustainable Practices (Poster). Innovative Teaching and Learning in the Food-Energy-Water-Nexus, Washington, DC.
- Kohn, C. (2018, March). Investigating the Use of Communities of Practice for Sustainability Instruction in Rural Agricultural Education (Paper). National Conference of the Association of Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta GA.
- Parker, J., Covitt, B., Lee, M., Anderson, C., and Kohn, C. (2018, March). Using Data to Develop Systems Supporting Three-dimensional Science Learning (Poster). National Conference of the Association of Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.
- Covitt, Thomas, Bodbyl, Lin, Hancock, Kohn, de los Santos, and Anderson. (2018, March). Characterizing Discourse Patterns of Assessing and Scaffolding with Evidence from Carbon TIME Classroom Video (Poster). National Conference of the Association of Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.
- Kohn, C. (2018, January). Investigating the Potential Value of Agricultural Education for Increasing the Adoption of Sustainable Knowledge & Practice Among Rural Youth (Poster). Symposium on Global Change and Agroecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities, East Lansing, MI.
- Parker, J., Covitt, B., Lee, M., Anderson, C., and Kohn, C. (2017, April). An Initial Learning Progression Describing Students’ Understanding of a Model of the Global Carbon Cycle (Poster). National Conference of the Association of Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio, TX.
Internet Publications
- Kohn, C. (2020). The Future of Agriculture Curriculum for Teaching Sustainability (multiple courses). Retrieved from .
- Kohn, C., Schaefer, D., Boettcher, G., and Hicken, J. (2016). Animal Science 101: University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Animal/Dairy Science Credit by Exam. Retrieved from
- Kohn, C. (2016). Waterford Agriscience Curriculum (multiple courses). Retrieved from
- Kohn, C., Mai, Q. (2013) What are Stem Cells? Retrieved from .
- Espinell, I., Kohn, C., and Rodriguez, H. (2013) Biofuels and Bioprospecting for Beginners. Retrieved from
- Kohn, Craig (2023, July). STEM & Ag. Nourish the Future Feed and Fuel the World Industry Dinner. Two Rivers, WI.
- Kohn, Craig (2020, November). Future of Agriculture Curriculum for Teaching Sustainability. Biology Education Study Program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember, Indonesia.
- Kohn, Craig (2020, November). Diversity & Inclusion in Agricultural Education. TE 802 - Reflections on Student Teaching, Michigan State University
- Kohn, Craig (2020, October). NGSS & Three-Dimensional Science Learning in Agricultural Education. Laboratory Pedagogy (AED_555_001_F2020), Oregon State University.
- Kohn, Craig (2019, October). Field Observation Discussions. CSUS 222 – Seminar in Instructional Theory, Michigan State University.
- Kohn, Craig (2016, February). Writing Agricultural Curriculum. District 1 Professional Development, Highland, IL.
- Kohn, Craig. (2014, October). Review of Innovative Local Approaches to Incorporating Agricultural Experiential Learning. Agricultural Education Summit and National FFA In-service, Indianapolis, IN.
- Kohn, Craig. (2014, March). Integrating STEM into Agriculture Education. State College, PA.
- Kohn, Craig. (2014, January). Innovative Methods of Engaging All Students in Meaningful Experiential Learning and SAE. Agricultural Education Summit and National FFA In-service, Indianapolis, IN.
- Kohn, Craig. (2012, October). Energy and the Wisconsin Idea. Wisconsin Energy Summit, Madison, WI.
- Kohn, Craig. (2012, August). Bioprospecting in High School Biotechnology Classes. Bioenergy Institute, Madison, WI.
- Current Committee Memberships (WUHS) - #URReady (Leadership & Social Development), Artificial Intelligence
- Science and Technology Education for Land/Life Assessment (STELLA) project - NASA - 2024-present.
- Wisconsin-Based Science Storylines Resources Committee - Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers - 2023-present.
- Advisory Committee - Wisconsin Climate Education Hub, 2023-present.
- Consultation, Biology Core Curriculum Program Review Committee – University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2021.
- Ph.D. Student Mentor, Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education - MSU College of Education, 2020-2021.
- Reviewer, NCR-SARE Sustainable Agriculture Youth Ed Curriculum Development Grant, 2019.
- Committee Member, Fate of the Earth Research Symposium Planning Committee – Environmental Science and Policy Program, Michigan State University, 2019.
- Reviewer, Wisconsin State Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability, January 2018.
- Reviewer, Technical Writer, and Illustrator, AgEdNet – Veterinary Science Curriculum (compilation of lessons). 2018. Online –
- Reviewer, Technical Writer, and Illustrator, AgEdNet – Animal Science Curriculum (compilation of lessons). 2016-2017. Online –
- Invited Panelist - White House Convening on Advancing LGBT Progress in Rural America. December 2016. White House Executive Office Building, Washington D.C.
- Technical Writer – National Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Education Standards, Environmental Service System, Biotechnology, and Natural Resource System Pathways, 2014. Print and Online.
- Technical Writer – Wisconsin Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Education Standards, Biotechnology Pathway, 2011-13. Print and Online.
- Reviewer, Roots of the Carbon Cycle. QUEST (National Science Foundation), 2014. Online.
- Reviewer, Biotechnology: An Agricultural Revolution. New York: Delmar, 2013. Print.
- Consultant, Wisconsin DNR, February 2013
- Superintendent, Wisconsin FFA State Career Development Events – Environmental Science, 2005-2015
- 2019 – Michael B. Salwen and Okhee Lee-Salwen Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education
- 2016 – Engaged Alumni Award, Morgridge Center for Public Service, University of Wisconsin – Madison.
- 2014 – Top 40 Under 40 Honoree in the Agriculture Industry, Vance Agribusiness
- 2013 – National Outstanding Young Educator Award, 2013 National Association of Agricultural Educators
- 2013 – State Outstanding Young Educator Award, 2013 Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators
- 2012 – State Winner - Kohl Fellowship, Herb Kohl Educational Foundation
- 2011 – State Winner, Wisconsin Agriscience Teacher of the Year
- 2010 – Outstanding Staff Member, Waterford Union High School.
- 2009 – National Winner, NSTA Toyota Tapestry Grant.
- 2008 – Undergraduate Excellence Award, University of Wisconsin – Madison.
- National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
- National Association of College Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA)
- American Association of Agricultural Educators (AAAE)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- National Science Teacher Association (NSTA)
- National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE).
- NGSS & Agriculture. Nourish the Future Teacher Training - 2024 Commodity Classic. Houston, TX.
- STEM & Ag. Nourish the Future Teacher Training - 2023 Teacher Leader Community (TLC) Class (webinar).
- 3D Science Learning in Agriculture through Sustainability. 2020 New York Association of Agricultural Educators (Online Conference).
- Using the Future of Agriculture Curriculum for Teaching Sustainability (FACTS) as a Model of Innovative Standards-Based Agriscience Instruction. 2018 Wisconsin Association of Agriculture Educators, Appleton, WI.
- Community Connection Activities in Biology Classrooms. 2018 Michigan Science Teachers Association State Conference, Lansing, MI.
- Teaching Strategies for Natural Resources & Environmental Science, 2017 National Association of Agricultural Educators Teacher Workshop, Nashville TN.
- Teaching Strategies for Natural Resources & Environmental Science, 2017 National FFA Convention Teacher Workshop, Indianapolis, IN.
- Carbon Footprint Analysis - 2017 Bioenergy Institute for Educators, Wisconsin Energy Institute, Madison WI.
- Fighting Climate Change through Production Agriculture - 2017 Wisc. Assoc. of Ag Educators Summer Conference, Appleton, WI.
- Teaching Strategies for Natural Resources & Environmental Science, 2016 National FFA Convention Teacher Workshop, Indianapolis, IN.
- SAE Renewal, Innovation and Best Practices for Teaching and Learning, Fall Michigan Agricultural Education PDI 2016, Lansing MI.
- Hands-on Ways to Teach Cell Biology, 2015-16 Wisc. Assoc. of Ag Educators Summer Conference, Appleton, WI.
- Big Ideas in Agricultural Education, 2014-16 Wisc. Assoc. of Ag Educators Summer Conference, Appleton, WI.
- Strategies to Maximize Classroom Efficiency And Minimize Stress, 2013-2015 Wisc. Assoc. of Ag Educators, Madison, WI.
- Re-Thinking & Reinvigorating SAE's, 2014 Wisc. Assoc. of Ag Educators Summer Conference, Madison, WI.
- Internally-Flipped STEM Classrooms, 2014 Wisc. Assoc. of Ag Educators Summer Conference, Madison, WI.
- Biofuels in Schools – Bioenergy Labs for the High School Classroom, 2012-2015 Wisc. Assoc. of Ag Educators Summer Conference, Green Bay, WI.
- Climate Change Activities - Inspire Your Students, Lower Your Stress, And Save The Planet, 2013 Wisc. Assoc. of Ag Educators Summer Conference, Green Bay, WI.
- Teaching About Climate Change Through Forest Measurements, 2012 Midwest Renewable Energy Association, Stevens Point, WI.
- Agriscience Fair Basics: how to conduct and present an Agriscience Fair Project, 2011 Wisconsin State FFA Convention, Madison, WI.
- The ABC’s of Green Energy: Agricultural Biofuel Challenges, 2011 Wisconsin State FFA Convention, Madison, WI.
- French Fries and Fuel Supplies: Biodiesel from Waste Vegetable Oil, 2011 Wisconsin State FFA Convention, Madison, WI.
- Bioenergy: Deeply Rooted in STEM Instruction, 2011 Wisconsin STEM Conference, CESA 6, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
- Ag Ed Online - Web Strategies to Streamline Agricultural Instruction, 2011 Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators Summer Conference, Green Bay, WI.
- Biofuel Strategies for High Schools, 2010 Bioenergy Institute for Educators, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, Madison, WI.
- Investigation of Algae-Based Biofuels, UW-Whitewater Earth Day Symposium, April 2010, Whitewater, WI.
- Kellogg Biological Station (2020). Improving the sustainability of agricultural systems through educational research: Reflections from an LTER Fellow.
- Kohn, Craig. (2016). Problem Solving Approaches in Agriscience Education. Penn State, AEE 412 - Methods of Teaching Agriculture. Online Blog -
- Kohn, Craig. (2015). Systems-based Learning. Penn State, AEE 412 - Methods of Teaching Agriculture. Online Blog -
- Morgan, M. (2015, June 5). 40 Under 40 Dairy Profile: Craig Kohn. Retrieved September 25, 2018, from
- Chadwell, Christi. (2014, January 30). “Teacher Feature: Craig Kohn.” National Association of Agricultural Educators Communities of Practice. Retrieved September 25 2018 from
- Racine Journal Times. (2014, Jan 7). “Waterford Educator Receives Outstanding Young Member Award.” Racine Journal Times. 7 Jan. 2014: A+. Print.
- Luterbacher, Celia. (2013). “Biofuel for Teens: A CALS-trained teacher brings bioenergy research into high school classrooms.” Grow Magazine. 6(2). 6. Print.
- Erin Richards. (2009, March 18). “Bioscience, genetics, ecology revolutionizing “Ag Ed” class.” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Retrieved from
- University of Wisconsin Press. (2008, May 13). “Notable Graduates: Craig Kohn – A passion for agricultural education.” University of Wisconsin – Madison News. Madison, WI.
- Gatti, Lauren. (2007). “What would Bucky do? Teach: Student Teacher Craig Kohn Shares His Secrets to Success.” The Madison Professional Development School. 10(1): 6-7.
Charles “Andy” Anderson (degree advisor), Professor Emeritus - Teacher Education,
Michigan State University. 620 Farm Ln, East Lansing, MI 48824. 517-432-4648 [email protected]
Aaron McKim, Assistant Professor - Department of Community Sustainability, Michigan
State University. 480 Wilson Rd, Room 131, East Lansing, MI 48824. 517-432-0318 [email protected]
Dan Foster, Principal - Waterford Union High School - 100 Field Drive, Waterford, WI 53185. 262-534-3189. [email protected]